Tahukah anda 5 Fakta Menarik seputar Android

Fakta unik android patut di ketahuiTahukah anda ? 5 Fakta Menarik seputar Android-Kini android sudah menjadi tren masa kini buat yang punya gadget.Karena kemudahan dan kepintarannya,Sehingga mampu mengikat hati dan pikiran para pengguna.

Kalau kita sedang membicarakan tentang fakta-fakta menarik tentang android maka akan menemukan hal yang menarik untuk di telusuri dan di cari.

Sebenarnya Fakta menarik dari sistem operasi android ini ada banyak.Tetapi saya akan menjelaskan hanya 5 Fakta menarik tentang android yang sobat semua harus paham dan mengerti.

1.Awalnya Android Hany untuk Kamera Digital
 Oleh andry rubin dan para kawannya saat itu adalah saat awal di ciptakannya perusahan android, INC.Mereka membuat pertama kali sistem android ini hanya untuk kamera di gital.Tetapi merekan pun merasa kurang puas.Dan pada akhirnya pun mereka mencoba untuk merubah android dari kamera di gital ke ponsel pintar.Agar bisa besar di pasaran dunia menyaingi symbian dan windows Yang sangat tenar saat itu .

2.Android Telah di akuisisi oleh Google.
 Kini apabila kita sedang membcrakan tentang android maka identik dengan mesin pencari google.Mengapa demikian,Karena android sudah di akuisisi oleh pihak google sendiri dengan harga USD 50 JUTA pada tanggal 17 agustus 2015.

Google memang pintar.Mereka mengakuisisi karena pada saat itu dan sampai sekarang sistem operasi android masih banyak di gemari oleh masyarakat dunia.Dan sekarang petinggi dari android.Inc telah menjadi pegawai di google.

3.HTC Dream adalah Ponsel Pertama android.
Apakah sobat tahu tentang hal yang satu ini.Ponsel apakah yang di keluarkan android pertama kali.Ya seperti yang saya sebutkan pada nomer 3 yaitu HTC Dream .Adalah ponsel pertama yang di ciptakan oleh android.Mungkin sobat mengira bukan karena android yang paling menguasai pasar dunia adalah Samsung .Tetapi kenyataannya seperti itu HTC Dream menjadi sejarah bagi android karena di ciptakan paling pertama saat itu pada tanggal 22 oktober 2008.

Ponsel HTC dream sudah di lengkapi dengan system operasi android 1.6 donut. dengan prosesor cualcomm MSM7201A528 Mhz.RAM 192 MB,Memory interna 256 MB.

4.Nama Versi android menggunakan nama makanan Penutup.
 Nah yang satu ini juga sangat menarik menurut saya.Namun tahukah anda tentang hal ini Dan apakah anda memperhatikan hal yang satu ini.Sistem operasi android memang banyak keunikan yang di miliki agar memikat para penikmat android.Begitupun dengan Nama versi sistem android yang menggunakan nama makanan penutup .Untuk ponsel pintar maupun tablet.

Penamaan versi sistem operasi Android ini menggunakan huruf depan nama makanan penutup sesuai abjad dan hingga saat ini sistem operasi Android telah disematkan 9 nama seperti Cupcake (1.5), Donut (1.6), Eclair (2.0–2.1), Froyo (2.2–2.2.3), Gingerbread (2.3–2.3.7), Honeycomb (3.0–3.2.6), Ice Cream Sandwich (4.0–4.0.4), Jelly Bean (4.1–4.3), dan KitKat (4.4–4.4.2).

5.Android Wear adalah sistem operasi android khusus smartwacth.
Belakangan ini banyak bermunculan jam tangan yang keren dan multy guna salah satunya adalah buatan google yang biasa di sebut smartwacth bisa di bilang cukup populer dalam hal sehari-hari yang dapat di gunakan dalam berolah raga untuk mengecek kalori,Atau juga dapat memberikan notifikasi kepada gadget kita yang sedang terhubung dengan smartwcth.

Peluang tersebut di manfaatkan untuk menguasai pasar dunia.

Nah itulah 5 Fakta menarik tentan android.Semoga artikel ini bisa menambah wawasan dan pengetahuan bagi anda.

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Tahukah anda ? 5 Fakta Menarik seputar Android
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Photoshop Tutorial How to Turn Humdrum Photos Into Cinematic Portraits

There are a plethora of ways to treat a portrait, for a myriad of uses, but that is for another feature. Let’s tackle adding drama or a cinematic quality to a regular, humdrum portrait. Let’s even throw in a little bit of faking HDR. That way if you work on a project that requires a stunning shot without the stunning photography, you’ll be able to cobble something together using your mad skillz!

Asset Preparation
The images I’ve used are: The man, the cloud, the water drops 1, and water drops 2. As always feel free to use your own images, however you may need to tweak the settings of any of the steps to get the right effect with different assets.

 Step 1
Open the man image from iStockphoto and separate him from the background. Use whichever method you’re comfortable with, I would usually use the Pen Tool, but I’ll be honest, as he’s got no hair to worry about and the background is white I kinda cheated. I used the, ahem, Magic Wand Tool to select the white. I then Feathered the selection by 1 pixel (Select > Feather), expanded it by 2 pixels (Select > Modify > Expand) and hit delete 2-3 times until the white halo disappeared. Call this layer “MAN.” Select the Dodge Tool, set the Range to Highlights and the Exposure to 15% and run it over the Iris a couple of times. This should bring the eyes out a bit.

 Step 2
Open up the cloud image from sxc.hu and import it into the document underneath the “MAN” layer. Resize it to about 130% and drag (Use the Select Tool, hold Alt and simply drag the cloud around the canvas) three duplicates. Overlap them as in the image below. Then select the eraser, set as a large soft-edged brush, and run it along the hard-edges where the cloud layers meet.

 Step 3
Finally, select the Clone Tool, set it to a large (around 400 pixels) soft-edged (0% hardness) brush and clone out the obvious pattern repetitions. Choose multiple source points to avoid more obvious patterns.

 Step 4
These next few steps are a lot easier if you have access to a graphics tablet, however you can still do it with a mouse. Create a Curves Adjustment Layer just above the “MAN” layer and check the box that’s marked Use Previous Layer to Create a Clipping Mask. Set it up as shown and call it “CURVES_DARK.” Select the “CURVES_DARK” layer mask and fill it with black, this should hide the effects of the Curves.

 Select the Paintbrush Tool and set it to 0% Hardness, 15% Opacity and 65% Flow. Change the Brush size to suit the part of the image you’re treating. Obviously the bigger the brush, the smoother the transition. Set the Foreground Color to White and begin painting directly on the Layer Mask. Some areas require more work than others so don’t be scared of going over some patches several times.

 Check the image below for approximate brush sizes to use. Cover both the skin and clothing. There is no exact science to this, it’s a lot of trial and error.

 To get the finer details you’ll need to reduce the brush size right down. The eyelashes as an example required a 3 pixel brush, but I increased the opacity to around 40 percent. I did the same with the wrinkles and other hard-edges.

 Ultimately, your Layer Mask should resemble this (press Alt and click on the Layer Mask to see where you’ve painted on the mask). I didn’t quite do enough on the Mask and there are three ways to rectify this. Option 1 is to double-click on the Layer Thumbnail (this is represented, in this case, by a circle that’s half black and half grey). Adjust the Curves to produce a darker result. Option 2 is to continue painting on the Layer Mask, but you risk messing up your good work. Option 3 is to duplicate the Curves Adjustment Layer, then you can scale back the effect by tweaking the Layer Opacity.

 Step 5
Again, all you peeps with a graphics tablet are going to find this a lot easier. Create another Curves Adjustment Layer above “MAN” and “CURVES_DARK” on the layer palette. Check the box that’s marked Use Previous Layer to Create a Clipping Mask and call it “CURVES_LIGHT.” Pull the upper part of the line upwards to lighten the image. Note: How much you manipulate the Curves layers (including “CURVES_DARK”) affects how much you’ll need to draw on the Layer Mask and how much you’ll need to tweak the overall exposure later on.

 Fill the “CURVES_LIGHT” Layer Mask with black and Draw directly onto it with a soft-edged brush loaded with white. Again pick the brush size and opacity to match the area you’re treating. If you overdo an area, load your brush with black and go over the problem area.
You’re looking to paint over all the areas where there are highlights. To strengthen things like the wrinkles, you should paint light next to the dark but not over it. Paint up to hard-edges with a small brush and then away from it with a large brush to diffuse the transition.

 Alt-click on your Layer Mask thumbnail to see where you’ve painted on it. It should resemble the image below. Note the Layers palette as well, all my layers are currently on Normal at 100% Opacity and Fill. The little arrow next to the Layer thumbnail signifies that it’s using the lower layer as a clipping mask.
If yours don’t, then select the “CURVES” layer and go to Layer > Create clipping mask. To mask off any areas you require a hard-edge such as the bottom of the nose, simply draw around it using the Pen Tool, turn the path into a selection and paint onto the appropriate Layer Mask.

 Step 6
Create a Gradient Map Adjustment Layer above “MAN,” “CURVES_DARK” and “CURVES_LIGHT.” Use the underlying layers as a Clipping Mask. Set the Gradient Map as shown below and then change the Layer Blending Mode to Soft Light and the Opacity to 75%. Now you could tweak the hue/saturation, play with the channel mixer and add a nice studio-esque background and stop there for now. But let’s carry on and add some real drama to this.

Step 7
Add a Gradient Map Adjustment Layer below “MAN” and above “CLOUD.” Input the darker color as #164370 (a darkish blue) and the lighter color as #e2dc9a (a muddy yellow). OK this, then set the Layer Blending Mode as Soft Light and change the Layer Opacity to 68%. Add a Curves Adjustment Layer directly below the Gradient Map. Adjust as shown and then change the Layer Opacity to 60%. Your Layers palette should that shown below.

 Step 8
Add a new layer directly above “CLOUD” and fill it with 60% black. Set the Blending Mode to Overlay (it should disappear). Select the Burn Tool and set to a big brush (917 diameter, 0% hardness), set the Range to Midtones and the Exposure to around 15%. Then burn around the corners to create a vignette. Call the layer “VIGNETTE” and adjust the Opacity to suit. Mine ended up at 77%.

 Step 9
Create a new layer directly above “MAN” (using “MAN” as a Clipping Path) and another directly below the “CLOUD_CURVES” and “GRADIENTMAP” layers. Call the new layers “WHITEGLOW.” Select the Paintbrush Tool, load it with white and work on the layers as shown below. Create a soft, white glow below the man to lift him from the background. Then create a white glow above to bleed light from the background over the subject. Follow the pink path as shown, then go over a second time.

 Step 10
This next step is a stylistic choice as we’re going for a stylized look. However, if you want a more naturalistic finish you can skip this part. Select all the layers currently linked with “MAN.”

 Then go to Filter > Stylize > Glowing Edges and set up as shown.

We want to knock out the midtones on this so go to Image > Adjustments > Levels and set up as shown.

 Then change the Layer Blending Mode to Screen and drop the Opacity down to around 34%. Duplicate this layer and set the duplicate Blending Mode to Overlay, change the Opacity to around 13%. I also masked off areas around the chin on the original Glowing Edges Layer (Screen, 34%).

 Step 11
Duplicate the “CLOUD” layer and drag it above the “GLOW_EDGES” layers. Apply a 2-3 pixel Gaussian Blur, then set the Layer Blending Mode to Screen and the Opacity to 50%. Take a soft-edged Eraser and delete all parts of the cloud that spill over the face and details. Duplicate the layer and drag it until you get a fairly even coverage of mist at the bottom of the image. Call these layers “CLOUD_BLURRED.”

 Step 12
Download the water drops 1 image from sxc.hu and open it. Go to Image > Rotate Canvas > 180 degrees. Erase the bigger ball of water and the broken balloon part.

 Then select the Burn Tool, set it to Shadows with an Exposure of 35% and run it along where you’ve erased. This should give a more realistic blend.

 Paste it into your document directly above the “CLOUD_BLURRED” layers and set the Blending Mode to Screen. Position on the shoulder so that the condensed drips line up with the mans shoulder. You will need to rotate it to fit. Then drag a duplicate of this layer along the shoulder, rotate and fit. Call these layers “DROPS_RIGHT.”

 Duplicate both “DROPS_RIGHT” layers and with the duplicates selected go to Edit > Transform > Flip Horizontal. Rotate them to fit the line of the shoulder and rename them both “DROPS_LEFT.”

 We only want the drops here so delete the Balloon and the denser part of the water (Eraser and then Burn Tool). Paste into the Working document, change Blending Mode to Screen. To get smaller bits of spray simply resize to make them smaller.
To get drops of rain, drag a duplicate and resize bigger. Make several copies until you get a good spread. Use the Clone Tool to get a more precise covering. Then group the layers, select the group and go to Layer > Layer Mask > Reveal all. Use this Mask to soften the impact of the rain, remove any drops covering detail and give it an overall clean up.

 Step 13
Create a new layer directly above the “WATER_DROPS” group (the rain and stuff) and call it “STARBURST.” Fill it with 60% black and go to Filter > Noise > Add Noise and set up as shown below.

 Then go to Filter > Blur > Radial Blur. Apply a Zoom blur as shown. The Blur center should be just on the mans shoulder. If you don’t hit that, then just reposition the layer and resize it so it fills the entire canvas.

 Finally, adjust the Levels as in the image below and set the Layer Blending Mode to Overlay. As 60% is pretty much an overlay neutral color, and the levels are well balanced out, it shouldn’t affect the whole image. Add a Layer Mask to mask out any areas that you don’t want rays. I masked out parts of the face and shirt.

 Step 14
Create a new layer directly above “STARBURST” and call it “FAKE_RAIN.” Fill it with 60% black, add noise (as you did for “STARBURST”) and then resize it.

 Bring up the blending options (click the f symbol in the black circle at the bottom of layers palette) and pull the black Layer Slider across to 130.

 Apply a Small Gaussian Blur.

 And a Smart Sharpen filter.

 Finally, tweak the Levels and set the Layer Blending Mode to Hard Light.

 Step 15
Duplicate “FAKE_RAIN,” call it “FAKE_RAIN_BGROUND” and move it below the “VIGNETTE” layer on the layers palette. Rotate it 10 degrees or so and change the Layer Opacity to 75%.

 Step 16
Create a new Gradient Map Adjustment Layer directly above “FAKE_RAIN.” Set the darker color as #075053 and the lighter color as white. Then set the Layer Blending Mode to Color with an Opacity of 55%. Add a Layer Mask (Layer > Layer Mask > Reveal All), grab a large soft-edged brush, load it with black, reduce brush Opacity to 20% and paint over the face area a couple of times.

 Step 17
Add a Hue/Saturation Adjustment Layer directly above the Gradient Map you just created. Pull the Saturation slider down to -68% and OK it. At this staged I added a Layer Mask and masked off some of the red tie using the a soft-edged brush at 25% Opacity.

 Step 18
Add a Curves Adjustment Layer above that and set up as shown below. It’s looking pretty moody now, time to add the finishers on this.

Step 19
Create a new layer above the three new Adjustment Layers and call it “OVERLAY_DODGE/BURN.” Fill it with 60% black and change the Layer Blending Mode to Overlay. Using the Dodge and Burn Tools we’re going to further boost some highlights and a couple of shadows.

 Here’s how it looks with the changes.
Here’s roughly what your “OVERLAY_DODGE/BURN” layer should look like on Normal Blending Mode. Notice that some areas are whiter than others, those areas have been painted on more times than the darker parts. Layering it up is the key to a smooth and natural transition.

Step 20
As a little salad garnish I’ve added a lens flare. Fill a new layer with black. Go to Filter > Render > Lens Flare and pick 105mm prime. The default settings should be fine. Set the lens flare Layer Blending Mode to Screen and position it above the shoulder. It’s worth mentioning that I also applied a small amount of noise, followed by a Gaussian Blur (around 4 pixels) and then a smart sharpen (around 150 at 7 pixels).

Step 21
Select all of your layers and duplicate them. Merge all the duplicated layers into one, making sure you leave the originals untouched. Duplicate the merged layer and name one “HIGH_PASS” and one “INVERTED.” Select “HIGH_PASS” and go to Filter > Other > High Pass. OK a 2 pixel pass and then set the Layer to Overlay. Mask off any sections you feel are too strong, I did the starburst area a little.

Step 22
Select the “INVERTED” layer and desaturate it (Command + Shift + U). Then invert it (Command + I), apply a 40 pixel Gaussian Blur and then set the Layer Blending Mode to Overlay. It’s a little much so drop the Layer Opacity to around 45% or whatever you’re comfortable with.

You should be left with a highly editable image. Adjust Layer Opacities, fine-tune Layer Masks, play with Adjustment Layers or even turn visibility of some of the layers off. Even without the rain and the clouds and whatnot, what you’re left with is a way to make portraits punchier.

Here are related Tutorial that may be of interest:
  • Using Tools from Photoshops Toolbar
  • Familiarizing Yourself with the Photoshop Interface
  • Tips & Tricks using Pentool
  • Add Dynamic Lighting to a Flat Photograph
  • The Incredible Pen Tool

This Tutorial Credited to boss pandasauure

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How to factory reset HTC Inspire 4G

The following are steps and guidelines to factory reset the HTC Inspire 4G from AT&T. It will clean up all previous data and applications on the cellular phone. The methods worked for me when I tried but I do not guarantee that it will work for every case. However, try and see as below to reset the HTC Inspire 4G. .

Method 1:

1) Select Settings -> Privacy -> Factory data reset -> Reset phone

2) Confirm with Erase all

Method 2:

1) Hold the volume down key while switch on or restart the cellular phone

2) You will not get to the hboot menu and choose "Factory Reset". You may navigate the menu with volume up/down key and choose with power button.

3) Now the cellular phone will erase everything in it and reboot itself. The cellular phone will be factory reset after the process is completed

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Menghilangkan Lag Saat Bermain Game HD Android

Menghilangkan Lag Saat Bermain Game HD Android - Android pada dasarnya merupakan system operasi smartphone berbasis linux (Open Source) yang menawarkan beragam aplikasi multimedia tidak hanya utility saja melainkan aplikasi hiburan lain termasuk game.

Kini sistem operasi smartphone & tablet nomor 1 di dunia ini sedang laris manis dipasaran. Berbagai vendor terkenal dan juga vendor lokal berlomba-lomba menawarkan jenis smartphone unggulan terbaru mereka yang dilengkapi dengan spesifikasi yang gahar dan mewah.

Berbicara mengenai game, bagi pecandu game mobile khususnya game Android pasti merasa kesulitan pada waktu bermain game tiba-tiba muncul lag atau bahkan keluar sendiri dari game. Siapa yang mau bermain game Android kalau kejadiannya seperti itu.

Ada banyak faktor yang mempengaruhi lag pada waktu bermain game di Android. Faktor utama dari hal tersebut yaitu seperti yang saya katakan tadi. Yakni spesifikasi smartphone Android itu sendiri.

Saat ini ada banyak upaya untuk memaksimalkan performa Android salah satunya dengan menginstall beberapa tweaks untuk mempercepat performa Android, menambah RAM Android supaya enteng untuk bermain game, tapi apa mau dikata kalau sebenarnya hal itu justru memaksa smartphone kita untuk bekerja lebih dari yang sewajarnya yang bisa mengakibatkan hal yang tidak diinginkan.

Jadi soal lag tidaknya itu tergantung dari smartphone Android nya karena lag itu sendiri terjadi karena kekuatan processor atau RAM yang kurang memadai.
Menghilangkan Lag Saat Bermain Game HD Android

Tapi tenang. Berikut ini ada beberapa Tips Untuk Menghilangkan Lag Saat Bermain Game Android yang mungkin bisa membantu anda dalam menangani lag pada saat bermain game.
  • Install Chainfire 3D Untuk Menambah Kualitas Grafis Android
Chainfire 3D adalah salah satu game booster yang lumayan terkenal dan banyak di gunakan oleh user Android. Biasanya user Galaxy Young yang paling suka memakai Chainfire 3D.

Fungsi aplikasi ini untuk memaksimalkan kinerja Android pada saat dipakai untuk bermain game dan juga Chainfire 3D ini bisa dipakai untuk merubah OpenGL Android kita. Jadi dengan begitu kinerja Android anda bisa meningkat dan masalah grafisnya bisa lebih bagus lagi ketimbang sebelumnya.

*Chainfire 3D hanya untuk Android versi Gingerbread saja.
  • Install Seeder Untuk Menghambat Lag Pada Android
Seeder merupakan aplikasi entropy generator untuk mereduksi lag di Android. Secara default entropy Android kita berada dikisaran ratusan saja (bisa 300 bisa 500 bahkan bisa sekitar 100an). Dengan Seeder, entropy kita bisa dinaikkan secara otomatis sampai dengan score 4000.
  • Overclock Untuk Mempercepat Kinerja Processor Android
Sebenarnya ini cukup beresiko bila pengaturannya salah. Bisa merusak processor, bisa membuat processor menjadi lemah, bisa membuat Android mati total, dan lain-lain. Tapi tenang selama ini saya belum pernah mengalaminya :D

Overclock yaitu menaikkan clock processor Android. Misal default clock nya ada di 1000MHz, kita naikkan menjadi 1500GHz. Fungsinya bisa kita logika sendiri. Kalau processor nya gede, otomatis performanya kenceng. Seperti itu.
  • Swap Memory Untuk Menambah Virtual RAM Android
Swap Memory fungsinya untuk menambah RAM Virtual Android. Bukan untuk menambah kapasitas RAM Internal melainkan RAM Virtual yang hanya dipakai untuk mendongkrak kinerja RAM Internal Android saja. Dengan adanya Virtual Memory, maka Android kita akan bekerja lebih smooth dari yang biasanya.

Sebagai contoh, pada waktu masih memakai Xperia X10 Mini saya pernah mencoba membuktikannya. Pada saat saya tidak memakai Swap, pada waktu kapasitas RAM Internal saya tersisa 0 MB, X10 Mini saya tersebut nge-freeze tidak bisa difungsikan seperti biasa.

Berbeda bila saya memakai Swap. Walau RAM Internal nya tersisa 0 MB masih bisa saya fungsikan seperti biasa. Masih smooth untuk di geser keatas kebawah.
  • Install Droidwall Untuk Membatasi Koneksi Internet Android
Bisa jadi lag saat bermain game Android muncul karena aplikasi background anda berjalan dan memakai jaringan internet sehingga memungkinkan Android anda menjadi nge-lag.

Bila game yang anda mainkan itu merupakan game biasa (tanpa memakai koneksi internet) alangkah baiknya anda mematikan jaringan anda sebelum memainkannya. Tapi kalau itu game online, untuk mengatasinya bisa anda pakai aplikasi Droidwall untuk membatasi koneksi internet Android.
  • Install XBooster Untuk Mengatur Performa Android
XBooster merupakan salah satu RAM Manager yang akhir-akhir ini saya gunakan. Bedanya dari RAM Manager yang lain, XBooster ukurannya kecil dan aplikasi tersebut sangat cocok bagi penggila game Android karena ada fitur "Gaming Mode" didalamnya.

XBooster bisa di download di Google Play secara gratis dengan pilihan dua macam ada yang free dan ada juga yang premium. untuk yang freemium nya bisa dicari di Google Search :p
  • Pakai Custom ROM Android
Saat ini ada banyak custom ROM yang memberikan banyak fitur instant siap pakai, terutama fitur yang menyangkut performance. Bahkan ada juga custom ROM yang khusus dibuat untuk bermain game. Jadi bila anda berniat untuk Menghilangkan Lag Saat Bermain Game HD Android, tidak ada salahnya anda mencoba memakai custom ROM Android.

Sudah itu tadi beberapa tips yang mungkin bermanfaat untuk anda. Yang terpenting supaya aktifitas bermain game anda lebih lancar adalah dengan memakai XBooster yang sudah saya sebut diatas. Pastikan Android anda sudah diroot :) untuk yang lainnya silahkan anda coba sendiri.

Baca bagian daftar isi untuk tutorial menarik lainnya atau masuk ke page Curhat Android untuk bertanya / berdiskusi soal android atau masuk ke page Request Android untuk request Tutorial ataupun Review.
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Gateway 610 finished product

I finally got to finish that culprit of a pc, the Gateway 610 media center pc.  I took some pics of a few steps and procedures.  If you guys ever need any advice on how to undertake a similar project, just shoot me an email.  I can honestly say I feel good about accomplishing something like this.  I hope the customer is satisfied with it.  This pc does have something good about it.  Its sound is awesome!  I guess all that power the little subwoofer is pulling isnt just for show.  Ive had this pc running an online radio service and have been having it on full blast rocking out to some Red Hot Chili Peppers and some Guns N Roses.  Some of the tools and materials I used were:
  • Heat shrink tubing
  • Heat gun
  • Spray paint primer and paint
  • Philips and flathead screwdrivers
  • Needle nose pliers
  • Wire cutters
  • Wire strippers
  • Soldering iron
  • Solder, flux, and metal braid
  • Electrical tape
  • Plastic cable clamps (to hold down and anchor the wires)
  • E6000 hobby glue/rubber cement

The culprit...Gateway 610 ALL-IN-ONE media center pc

The source of the problem.  This VER. 0.0 PSU is underpowered for all that the pc has to offer.

Here is the replacement PSU.  I know, I know...its ugly and bulky.  Well, thats nothing a little elbow grease and some imagination wont cant fix.

Heres another look at the replacement PSU.

Heres a look at the back of the 610 Media PC with the old PSU, subwoofer, and back panel removed.  Thats the little subwoofer on the left.  It actually sounds very good.

Took the PSU apart.  I prepped the case for painting by sanding it down and using a paint primer.

 Some pics of the painted PSU case.  I chose
a nice glossy black color.
 Here you can really see the nice look of the glossy paint.

Here is the PSU taken apart and I am getting ready to cut and solder the wires together.

I had to recall my old soldering skills.  Not too bad for not having done this in a while.

Here, I used the heat shrink tubing to protect the solder points.

Using the heat gun on the 3/4" heat shrink tubing.  This bigger tubing was used to conceal all the wires.
**Use extreme caution when using a heat gun**

The following are pictures of the finished PSU put back together:

Here, I jimmied the power connectors from the Gateway 610 onto the connector for the PSU.  Do you see how they split up the 20 pin connector into 2 connectors? The 4 pin 12V power connector is at the top.

Here, Im securing the connectors with a little E6000 hobby rubber cement.  Its not something thats permanent but it will hold up pretty good.

The final product:

Hope you guys enjoyed this little novela and the pics.  I have to give credit where credit is due.  I could not have done this without a wonderful step-by-step take apart guide that I found here.  I also have to give recognition to my favorite electronics parts store EPO (Electronics Parts Outlet).  Theyve been a staple in the Houston community for electronics enthusiasts as myself and for hobbyists.
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